Customer testimonials

"The Cloudtrainer team are always supportive when we have queries, no challenge we have presented has been too great for them to overcome. Always offering helpful and practical solutions to our development needs.”

Charlotte Osbourne

Training and Education Manager, British Dressage

"I’d always been sceptical about online learning but what they have provided delivers so much more than traditional training."

Craig Barker

Asbestos Manager, Marks and Spencer

"Cloudtrainer have been fantastic to work with over the past few years. They work collaboratively with you to ensure the best and most effective service possible. Queries are dealt with promptly and efficiently. It’s been a pleasure to work with them"

Katherine Watson

Development Manager, WISE

"When someone buys into what we’re trying to do and they bring the enthusiasm back and you see the quality of work they’re producing as well that’s quite inspirational so what we managed to have was two companies that were really trying to do a good job and actually working towards a common goal."

Colin Smart

Senior Partner, TSG Associates

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